3 min readDec 6, 2023

JOHN: Right Now, if you could add some detail about the group you referred to, Does this group have any name they’re calling themselves? Is this a group that other people reading this would recognize when cross-referencing information?

KERRY: I’ve had difficulty myself in trying to describe these people. I’ve called them like a “Band of Brothers.” I’ve also called them an “over-government.” I could also call them other names, some derogatory, and they would deserve it [laughs]. But the best way, the most sensible way to describe these people so that people can understand what they’re like, is they’re like an over-government because that’s what they’re doing.

JOHN: Are you talking about British people here or international people?

KERRY: The meeting I will refer to later was all British; some of them are very well-known characters who people in the United Kingdom will recognize immediately. Those who are international and might read this might have to do some research on them, but they are national figures of them.

JOHN: All right. So, it’s an insider group that functions in Britain, as many American readers of this transcript would recognize by analogy — it’s like the American secret government. You’re talking about politicians behind the scenes who are still very influential and linked with the police and the military. Are there also American military links in there?


JOHN: Okay. Are you aware of or heard of any discussion of any participation by church authorities, the Vatican, or any of the world’s religions? Was this mentioned as part of their strategic planning for all of this?

KERRY: No, not at all, but I know the Church of England, especially, is complicit in everything that’s going on, totally complicit.

JOHN: Okay. Is this all fundamentally Masonic?

KERRY: Absolutely. There’s no question about that. The Masonic process vets everybody, and then they meet one another.

That’s something that people need to understand. There are levels in Masonry. Most Masons don’t know anything at all, and they’re out there doing good work for the most part, and they get the benefit of a kind of “club,” as it were. But that goes through various levels. Some call it “degrees” or whatever, but it’s a Who’s Who. That is — who can be trusted, brought together, holds power, and is likely to develop more power.

And these people attract one another, and they get together because they all have a single cause. It’s not quite like a Masonic cause, but there are similarities.

JOHN: Has the decision already been made at an even higher level than this?

KERRY: That was very clear. From what I heard, they weren’t a decision-making group. They were like an action group. They needed to convene periodically to discuss progress and tasks. Then, they disperse and go back and do what they must do due to these meetings.

JOHN: Okay. And you attended one meeting?

KERRY: Only one.

JOHN: And in what capacity did you attend this meeting?

KERRY: I mistakenly attended a meeting, thinking it was a regular three-monthly meeting. I recognized the names on the email list and assumed that my senior position in the City made me eligible to attend such meetings.

So when I went to the meeting, it wasn’t the same venue. It was a livery company venue, which is quite unusual, but not too unusual to wonder why I went to this meeting, and it was not the meeting that I was expecting. I was invited because of my position and because they believed I was one of them, like themselves.

JOHN: Did the team choose you for the invitation based on your existing relationship with them?

KERRY: Yes, that’s correct. I was considered a dependable person. I was someone who could get things done efficiently within my role in the organization.

JOHN: Okay, now, when was this meeting? Let’s put a date on it.

KERRY: Okay, We’re talking 2005. It was after the May general election that Blair was voted back in again. That meeting took place sometime in June of that year.

JOHN: Is it okay to put on record that it was in June?

KERRY: June 2005 is OK. Yes.

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