Gates of Hell: Georgia Guidestones

9 min readDec 8, 2023


The exchanges between John and Kerry Cassidy helped us — the Origin elder observers — to learn many unknown secrets. Six of us elders studied the entire prophecy and Freemasonry-related information. At the same time, we logged into Ahmia’s deep web and witnessed the presence and arrival of more corroborating facts and information, making us even more confident that everything we have experienced so far is a natural and present storyline.

The British political scientist Benjamin Disraeli once said that the world is controlled and dominated by a group of people that we — the ordinary people — cannot imagine. In 2012, the New York Times also reported an article that said that the Illuminati is an elite organization composed of influential figures in politics, business, and various other fields. They influence and dominate the world. They have already decided on all the essential developments happening now and in the future.

Following John’s guidance, we arrived at Elbert County, Georgia, USA, with a longitude of 34.23206 degrees and a latitude of 82.89449 degrees. This group of stone monuments is located on a hill 9 kilometers north of Elbert County.

In June 1979, the Elberton Granite Finishing Company received a commission to construct the monuments from an individual using the pseudonym R.C. Christian, who may have had ties to the CIA. Under this alias, the monument was built at a significant cost by an enigmatic pagan organization. The Freemasons provided substantial funds for erecting the monument. The monument’s builders claimed to have been commissioned by patriotic Americans to create this massive stone monument. The remaining details remain shrouded in mystery. One of the most widely accepted theories suggests that the man’s pen name was inspired by Christian Rosenkreuz, the founder of the European mystical group known as the Rosicrucian Order. The stone tablets were officially unveiled in March 1980, with approximately a hundred people participating in the ceremony.

When approaching this monument, it’s hard not to think of Stonehenge in England or the terrifying monoliths in 2001: A Space Odyssey. Construction built in 1980, this gray stone structure patiently anticipates the transformation of the world as we know it.

The monument known as the Georgia Guide Stone is a mystery — no one knows who commissioned it or why. The only clue as to its Origin is a plaque near the ground, which gives the dimensions and explains a complex series of instructions that correspond to the movements of the sun and stars, as well as the “guides” themselves, carved into the rock The directives, which appear in eight languages, ranging from English to Swahili, reflect a particular New Age ideology Some ambiguities are eugenic (judicious guidance of reproduction, increased health and diversity); others prescribe standards of mysticism (truth, beauty and love seeking harmony with the infinite).

Based on the available evidence, the most widely accepted view is that the Guidestone was meant to guide some dazed survivors of the coming apocalypse as they attempted to rebuild civilization. Not everyone is comfortable with this concept.

Just days before our visit, the stones had been splattered with polyurethane and spray-painted with graffiti, including slogans like “Death to the New World Order.” For more than three decades, this mysterious structure of the Bible Belt has generated reactions ranging from fascination to horror. Supporters hailed the messages as a stirring appeal for rational thinking, akin to Thomas Paine’s “The Age of Reason.” Opponents attack the Ten Commandments as anti-Christ.

Whoever the anonymous architects of the Guidestone were, they knew what they were doing: the monument is a highly engineered structure that tracks the sun perfectly. It also generates endless fascination thanks to a carefully curated atmosphere of mystery. The stones attracted large numbers of devotees to ward off those who would destroy them. The people who put the monument here knew one thing: people value what they don’t understand at least as much as what they do.

The astrological specifications for the Guidestones were so complex that Findlay had to retain the services of astronomers from the University of Georgia to help implement the design. The limits of the sun’s annual migration define the four outer stones. The center column required two precisely aligned features: a hole through which Polaris could be seen at all times and a trough aligned with the sun’s rising position during the solar column and equinox. The main component of the capstone is a 7/8-inch hole through which a beam of sunlight passes through at noon each day and shines on the center stone, indicating the day of the year.

The main feature of the monument, however, is the 10 commands carved on both sides of the exterior stone in eight languages: English, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, Hebrew, Hindi, Swahili, and Egyptian hieroglyphics (let these be a guide to an age of reason) were also inscribed in Egyptian hieroglyphics, classical Greek, Sanskrit and Babylonian cuneiform The United Nations provided several translations (including one to the languages of the dead) that were stamped in stone and etched with a sandblaster.

“Mysterious organizations” will flock to the guide stone and warn that “one day a sacrifice will be made here.” Many people who read the words written on the stone are uneasy: Let humans and nature remain below 500 million people forever balance This meant that 14 out of 15 people had to leave This directive is echoed and expanded upon by the second principle: direct reproduction wisely — to increase health and diversity It doesn’t take much imagination to compare what the Nazis did Guide Number Three guides the reader in uniting humanity with a living new language This made the local ministers shudder, knowing that the Book of Revelation warned that a common language and one world government were the achievements of the Antichrist Guideline №4 — Passion — Faith traditions — and all things moderately rational — are equally threatening to Christians committed to faith above all else In contrast, the last six guides are all homologous Protect the people and the country with fair laws and impartial courts Let all nations adjudicate internally in a world court to resolve external disputes Avoid trivial laws and useless officials Balancing individual rights and social obligations Cherish truth and beauty, and seek love and infinite harmony Not a cancer on the Earth, leave space for nature, leave space for nature.

The monument has been hailed as having “deep Satanic origins” or “the Devil’s Gate,” and we also saw messages such as “Jesus will defeat your Satanists” and “There is no one world government” spray-painted on the stone. Other spoilers claimed that the Council on Foreign Relations was “run by the devil” and that the 9/11 attacks were even the work of an internal meeting.

We are prone to powerful delusions, guided by a deadly dark hand that lurks behind the scenes. It presents a façade of goodwill, unity, hope, and love, yet for those who drink its poison, eternal death is their fate.

After being deceived, susceptibility to the entity’s dark and sinister intentions is erased, distorting the mental eyes of those it captures until, eventually, the spirit and insight are exhausted. We can enter this dark realm and overcome adversity through Jesus, the world’s only true light. Most will wake up to be part of our own, but also the devil’s nightmare, an evil thief disguised as a United Nations.

The United Nations was established in 1945 as an international organization. Its goals include promoting international law, international security, economic development, social progress, human rights, and cooperation in achieving world peace. It has multiple affiliated organizations to perform its tasks. It currently has 193 members. It has 6 significant departments in the country and is 666 kilometers away from the Guidestones in Elbert County, Georgia, USA №666 United Nations Plaza in New York City was formerly known as the Lucifer Trust (now renamed Lucis Trust), which is still a permanent institution of UNESCO Lucifer was Satan’s name before he rebelled against God, meaning “bright star.” Behind the scenes is the shadow of the Rothschild family, which was once the master of the world’s financial world. We have to mention the United Nations as an additional organization.

We must consider the ongoing intervention of the most prominent elite in the world, who have significant influence in directing the entire United Nations. You can recognize the Bilderbergs, Rothschilds, and Rockefellers, to name a few. The Illuminati and Freemasonry rank highest in being associated with the evil elements of this cleansing new world order. A notable quote from the Lucis Trust website says: “The spirit of masonry is the spirit of eternal ‘quest,’ the key to individuals and groups moving towards God’s purpose for man…Modern Masonry is destined to bring to all people Spiritual benefits.”

As we look into the dark heart of the United Nations, we find that the Lucis Trust, buried deep within the dark realm of the United Nations, masquerades as a promoter of “light and good.”

The Lucifer Trust was established in early 1922 by Forster and Alice Bailey, and the company was initially named Lucifer Publishing Company. Due to the provocative nature of the name, the name was changed to Lucis Publishing Company in 1925, which still exists today. During this period, the Lucis Trust worked hand in hand with the United Nations, operating under the Economic and Social Council, to prey on its victims through outreach in the name of humanitarian servanthood and goodwill.

People need to believe that what they read is true. In researching this dark manifestation, I find that what we find is accurate. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 11:14 that “Satan disguises himself as an angel of light” and even disguises himself as the only faithful Savior, Jesus Christ.

As with all elements of darkness, a hint of biblical truth is usually fragmented to deceive his prey’s perception. The terminology used in the Lucis Trust proves that it appears the enemy has intensified his deceptive tactics and is subtly trying to deceive the hearts of believers by using keywords such as love, goodwill, Christ, faith, charity, and peace, to name a few. Some examples: Reading the index on the Lucis Trust website, it seems like you are reading directly from the heart of Jesus. Then you go deeper and darker until you realize that Christ’s call to save the world was who would come to destroy it, take as many souls as he could and go to hell when he finally came face to face with the Almighty Father, himself.

The Lucis Trust has one goal, and that is to lead a New World Religion under the Antichrist, and they are using the most significant New World Order platform today to accomplish this mission where no light exists — the United Nations. Given the self-incriminating testimony they admitted, the dark case against Lucis Trust was quickly assembled. Let’s take a walk on the dark side and into their vicious schemes of seduction, exposed through their statements; I remind you that when they refer to “Christ,” it is certainly not Jesus.

Comments are taken directly from the Lucys Trust website :

“Situations and events are not exactly as the Bible shows them to be.”

“The triumph of Christ’s consciousness must always be expressed in terms of religion, churchgoing, and orthodoxy, and it is one of the incredible triumphs of the forces of evil.”

“Christians easily forget that the crisis of the last hours of Christ’s life was not on the cross, but at the Last Supper in the Garden of Gethsemane .”

“He recognized and loved those who were not Christians but remained loyal to their founders — Buddha, Muhammad, and others, and he did not care what the faith was if the goal was the love of God and humanity.”

It seems easy to see that the group of stone tablets symbolizes “sun worship, cult worship, and devil worship, 666.” The group of stone tablets has a deep connection with the devil, and the pseudonym of its maker is “RC Christian,” which is closely related to the “New World Order” “conspiracy theory.”

Walk through the gates of hell while God is raising a passionate, militant, biblically strong army of advocates and messengers who will not abandon the foundation of His truth They would walk with Him like Enoch, be fed by Him like Elijah, worship Him like Mary, obey Him like Noah, lead like Moses, wrapped in the simplicity of David In this time, we must pray together, seek God’s plan for us every day, and spend time in the words of the Bible ORIGIN’s mission is not for the weak and them, but for ourselves.

God has said, “Either you are with me, or you are against me…” Which one are you?



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